CopyClear will complete all the research, verify all copyrights, file all permission requests and manage all the correspondence and royalty payments to the publishers for a one-time fee to the client of $150 for up to ten songs on a recorded project. Songs beyond the initial ten are $8.00 each. We require our fee up front and then invoice you one time for the royalties due to the copyright owners (detailed below).
Royalty rates for statutory license of physical phonorecords and permanent downloads are set annually by the Copyright Royalty Board:
2025 rates: 12.7 cents per song per copy recorded if the song is five minutes or less in length or 2.45 cents per minute for each recorded song that is longer than five minutes.
Processing fees from the publishers may accompany the royalties due.
There is no royalty structure set by the US Copyright Office for synchronization licenses, so we accept these requests infrequently and on a case-by-case basis. Obtaining these licenses can be difficult, time consuming, and sometimes have disappointing results.
Contact us with your questions and we'll provide more information.
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